Personal Shopping Experiences

Personal Shopping Experiences
It can often be very daunting, embarking on a new lifestyle plan.
Sorting out our kitchen cupboards to support our new dietary requirements is usually the first step we need to take in order to break old habits. Re-stocking our shelves with nutritious foods can often be confusing, expensive and time consuming. Here at Absorb Harmony, we aim to support the process of change inside and outside the consultation room, by offering personal shopping experiences.
Together we will look at and visit the local shops accessible to you. Then, taking into account your food budget, lifestyle demands and taste requirements we will endeavour to personally guide you through the aisles, discussing food labelling, food groups and pre-planning menu options. The aim of the experience will be to enable you to naturally make healthier choices each time you shop, whenever, wherever and with whomever.
Price: £30 an hour